New England wedding. High end wedding photography. Classic Newport Bride.

sample wedding timeline

This sample timeline is for a 10 hour day, plus 8 hours with a second photographer. This is a complex timeline that includes two locations for getting ready, a ceremony location, a reception location, and another location for portraits. This timeline is from a real wedding that didn’t include a first look, and all of the locations were within 10 minutes of each other. This was a successful timeline, and I created it at no additional cost to my clients.

Contact me if you have any questions, or would like to schedule a phone call

Getting Ready: 

11:00 Jess arrives and photographs Bride’s details

Bride: please have flowers, shoes, rings, veil, etc on hand for photography. You do not need to be in your dress yet. 

11:00 Second shoots arrives to Groom’s location- captures groom’s Details  

Groom: have cufflinks, shoes, tie, etc on hand for photography. You do not need to be in your jacket yet

11:20 Second shooter photographs Groom & Groomsmen getting on ties & coats

11:30 Guys are dressed - Groom portraits and Groomsmen photos

11:30 Bride’s gift opening

11:40 Jess photographs bride getting into dress

11:50 Bride’s first look with dad

12:00 Bridal Portraits 

12:30 Bride with Bridesmaids

1:00 - 1:30 Everyone drives to ceremony location

The ceremony location is only 10 minutes away, but we build in 30 minutes just incase we get behind on time.

Ceremony and Portraits

1:30 - 2:00 Bride & Groom hide, rest & retouch makeup

Jess & Second Shooter photograph ceremony decor 

2:00 - 2:45 Wedding Ceremony 

3:00 - 3:15 Drive to photo location

3:15-4:00 Arrive at photo location. We will do group photos and couples portraits here

4:00-4:45 Go to second photo location for additional photos if time permits

Reception Location

5:00 Cocktail hour starts

6:00 Intro and first dance

6:15 Dinner and Speeches 

6:40 Husband & wife sunset portraits 

          7:15 Sunset 

**Second photographer contracted time ends at 7pm**

7:30 Drinks, dancing, cake cutting

**Jess’s contracted photography ends at 9pm**